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Family Engagement Center/ Parent Center


The Parent Center mission is to impact the academic achievement of each student by creating an environment that strengthens parental involvement by providing resources for parents.


Hours:  Monday - Friday 8:30 am-3:30 pm

Location:  Room 1.209A


The Parent Center services include workshops, volunteering opportunities for parents, materials for check-out, free brochures and information, and community resources and information.

Click here to view the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in English and in Spanish.

Do you have access to the Parent Portal? ¿Tiene acceso al Portal para padres?

Do you have a My Payments Plus account? ¿Tiene una cuenta My Payments Plus?

Have you applied for Free and/or Reduced Lunch, if applicable? ¿Ha solicitado almuerzo gratis o reducido, si corresponde?

Do you know when and where your child can go to get additional instructional support? ¿Sabe cuándo y dónde puede ir su hijo para recibir apoyo educativo adicional?

Do you know where you can check out materials/resources to use at home with your student? ¿Sabe dónde puede sacar materiales / recursos para usar en casa con su estudiante?

Do you know how to become a volunteer in our school? ¿Sabes cómo ser voluntario en nuestra escuela?



If you answered no to any of these questions, please make an Appointment with Pilar Silva, our Parent Instructional Coordinator, in the BMS Parent Center.

Si respondió no a cualquiera de estas preguntas, haga una cita con Pilar Silva, nuestra Coordinadora de Instrucción para Padres, en el Centro de Padres de BMS.