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Patriot Cafe


Free and Reduced Lunch Application Online

Gwinnett County is pleased to announce the availability of applying for Free and Reduced Price Meals online!  The process is SAFE, SECURE, PRIVATE, and AVAILABLE anytime, anywhere!

Free and Reduced Price Meals Website

Special Dietary Needs

In accordance with USDA regulations, School Food Authorities (SFAs) must ensure children with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. SFAs must make reasonable substitutions or modifications to accommodate children with disabilities when supported by a written medical statement from a state licensed healthcare professional (licensed physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or registered dietitian). The medical statement must include a description of the child’s physical or mental impairment, an explanation of what must be done to accommodate the child’s disability, and the food(s) to be omitted and recommend alternatives (if applicable).

If your child requires meal substitutions or modifications, please submit a completed medical statement to the local School Nutrition Manager.

Universal Breakfast

Breakfast is free for every student on a daily basis.

GCPS Cafeteria and Nutrition Links

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.